Cellular Mission on the Moon!
What’s in an early ‘terra’ name?! Some Fun Banter..
Last week, a Co-worker was talking about some volunteering for Earth Day.. I interjected and asked.. Do you happen to know another word related to Earth?
He was a little clueless, and the Geek in me was blabbering..
terra.. terracotta.. mediterranean.. subterranean.. terrestrial. See the connection?
And this reminds me.. Eons back.. I worked for the unseen cellphone technology called UMTS UTRAN.. Universal Mobile Telecom Systems for “Terrestrial” Radio Networks..
What a Grand name it was.. We were reading specifications and prototyping 3G Networks and Cell Phones..
Well, it was built very much for the Earth, and not for the Moon.. Hence it has ‘terrestrial’ I guess
And I made a casual joke about it.
Two days back I see a LinkedIn post ‘liked’ by a good friend of mine.. About Nokia’s 3G mission on Moon.. I was spellbound.. whatttt? It landed me on Moon..
“Like shelter, food and life support, communications will be a crucial component of any future lunar or Mars mission. Instead of ‘reinventing the wheel’ by creating a proprietary network in space, we are taking advantage of the same state-of-the-art technologies that connect billions of smartphones on Earth.” -Thierry Klein, President of Bell Labs Solutions Research at Nokia
Reminded me of my good old days and the amazing interactions in the ETSI work groups with the Nokias, Erricsons, AT&T, NTTDoCoMo..