Numbers, New Beginnings and 2025
A poetic muse on numbers
As the new year unwinds and ushers a new beginning, the Universe whispers a soft tale of numbers.
As the curtains of 2024 close, another year of grand Sojourn comes to a grand finale. The Sun and the Moon gently washing the orbit of the Earth each year. 365 days it is!
Two ways of marching towards 365!
365 = 10^2 + 11^2 + 12^2
365 = 13^2 + 14^2
What a great way to toy with numbers! Like the growing days and passing seasons, divine numbers sport under the cycle of patterns.
There seems hidden mysteries behind 360 and 365. From the divinely lit sky, it’s geometry with pi, and as seen by the great eye!
What a grand march by the triad {10, 11, 12} and grander march by {13, 14}.
Ah! This tells me.. Two ways of reaching unit digit 5. The squares with {0, 1, 2}. The famous squares of Pythogoran {3, 4} rounding about and and meeting in 5.
A gaze at 2025 reveals. [4*5][25]. The Vedic Math sutra springs ‘Hey! I see the dance of ‘One more than previous sutra’’. An easy move, that’s certainly enjoyed by the squares of numbers ending in 5.
25^2 is [2* (2+1)][25] = 625
35^2 is [3*4][25] = 1225
45^2 is [4*5][25] = 2025
And another nugget shared by another mind. 2025 as a beautiful summation of cubes till 9.
We would need 1000 years (10^3), for the next step
I reflected on this expression for some time. Ofcourse this works. Tesla would have loved it. The Power of 3s..
45 ^2 beautifully fits in the cube series summation. 45 being (9 *10)/2.
The famous (n(n+1)/2)^2
And Oh yes, this is also square of sum of numbers till 9. ((9*(9+1))/2)^2
Gratitude to all the minds across the lanes of time. The Fermat’s group on Numbers.. Endaro mahanubhavulu.. Andariki Na vandanamulu.. Gracias to all things that have illumined this journey! What is existence otherwise!
“I lisped in numbers, as numbers came to me.” — Alexander Pope