Sarasa sama-dana-bheda-danda
A Tyajaraja Kriti
I was intrigued by the phrase Sama-dana-bheda-danda which I had heard in a recent song aired in the radio station. Looks like it was crafted by the Chanakya. A four-fold strategy to conquer the enemy..
SAma of having a friendly dialog.. DAna of pleasing and gifting.. Bheda of using logic and trickery.. If nothing works, resort to the action of Dhanda.
And then, I come across this beautiful Kriti.
sarasa sAma-dAna-bhEda-daNDa catura
Tyagaraja extolls Rama for his deftness in strategy in winning over Ravana. His imagination and talk with his dear Rama.
sarasa sAma-dAna-bhEda-daNDa catura !
O Elegant One in the four-fold path!
Is there any other God like you? O Protect me!
sATi daivam evarE? brOvavE!
That foremost devotee of parama sambhava shiva..
A parama SAmbhava agrEsaru
Ravana failed to understand the words
palku rAvaNuDu teliya lEka pOye
Wise words you spoke to him so well..
hitavu mATalu.. entO bAga palkitivi
“I shall give you Ayodhya forever”, you even told him
satamugAnu ayOdhyanu ittunu.. aNTivi
And then, you made his brother the King, as he failed to heed
nata sahOdaruni rAju cEsi.. rAkA
And decimated him..
hatamu jEsitivi
Oh Rama.. Ever glorified by Tyagaraja
tyAgarAja nuta