That Skylight of Night
A tiny hole peeping into the vastness of the unknown.
It was brimming with guests. A mishap in assembled furniture spiked by teenage rumblings causing a deluge of activity. A voluntary case of sleeping on the floor by the walls of the living room. A final gaze at the high ceiling, with a little rectangular opening leading to the sky.
The lights were off and the curtains closed. But a corner of the floor oddly bright. Were the crazy inbuilt LEDs in the switches and couches so strong? A blocking hand by these tiny LEDs did not seem to stop that light.
It was fragility of logic fading under the burden of the long day. Ah that skylight..
Where that Sun? Where that Full Moon? That lunar reflection of its rocky surface reflecting on this wooden floor.. And my sleepy eyes seized by this periscope like grandeur of reflections.
There was more to that Stage. That Friday night! At odd hours in the morning. A piece of lightning bolting the eyes. Ah that window of skylight.. I would wait for its rumbling thunder before I slip into sleep. And again and again woken by the flashes of lightning. Indeed there were hurricanes, and it rained mad like cats and dogs that night.
Was it the spice level at the dinner party? Was it pain from the previous week tooth extraction? Never mind, series of awakening knock knock by the lightening discharge of that mighty cloud!
The joyful dance of this Earth washed in the orbits of the Sun and the Moon.. Set in the tapestry of the Stars and the grandeur of Zodiac Clusters. The poetry of Valmiki, Tagore and every poet. Anandaloke Mangalaloke
The bride of the East unveiling the Mornings. The Sun’s dance of Northbound and Southbound journey UttarAyaNa DakshiNAnaya churning Seasons.
And Folks talking about.. On a grander scale of time, the Sun having its own season like. The significance of MakaraSankranti.. The Surya Siddanta. 1700 years back was the last correction of the Indian Calendar.
So labeling Shravana month as Rainy Season is a temporal thing and not absolute, in the 10000 year like grand scale. Next time on visiting epics, should look out correlation of seasons and months. Kalidasa’s cloud saga आषाढस्य प्रथम दिवसे.. GitaGovindam and KishkindaKandam’s vivid description of Spring..
And here I’m reminiscing again of that skylights. A tiny hole peeping into the vastness of the unknown.