Myriad Patterns.. A Map
Platter of topics in this site..
This Universe is incredibly wonderful with hidden order and synergy. Curiosity & fascination for Science, Music, and Philosophy was perhaps means to discover the seeker within..
Why does the Poori puff? What’s inside a Mobile? Do ABCDs have a reason?
What’s in a bengali name? Which is simpler? Alexa or Siri?
Why the colors in this Universe? Do I see the Shoe as ‘Pink or Blue’?
What’s the poetry in Suprabatam.. Can I scale the Gita Language?
For those of you who have enquired about the depth and passion in these topics.. Am I a Professor? Where did I pick my inspirations and writing style from?
Was an embedded engineering for a long time, and my curiosity, passion, instrumentation and documentation styles stem from that space.
I immensely enjoy learning small things around me.. In my kitchen, in songs, in lyrics, in words, in sounds and their order.. in science and math.. in the immaculate structure of Sanskrit.. in the wisdom of scriptures..
I am mother of two teen boys. During my many months of break from work, I seemed to have enjoyed the randomness, magical connections and the stories that my surroundings had to tell.. And I immensely enjoy teaching and expression by writing. Welcome Reader!
If you are not into these topics, and yet want to read some of the musings, do jump to the last section of this post, or skim through the topics.
I have prompted MetaAI to provide a summary on the topic list..
“Join this inspiring author on a journey of discovery, as she weaves together seemingly disparate threads from science, technology, language, philosophy, and Indian scriptures, intriguing intersection of human intelligence and artificial intelligence, hinting at the potential for collaborative insights.
Come and experience the joy of learning, as she illuminates the interconnectedness of all things.”
AI Musings
Chat with Meta AI.. Meghadootha & Sanskrit Banter
AI and Parallels with Complex Frameworks
AI/ML in the hood of Mathematics
Fine tuning the Tagore Poetry Decoding with MetaAI
Diffusion Algorithm?
Just some loose AI parlance
Human Attention Mechanisms & Fine Tuning the truth tables.. Nobel Prize Stories
AI Diffusion Model and Parallels with Human Learning
Linguistic Musings
Unraveling the Codewords: Deepseek into Chinese land, Devanagiri and Indus era
Odia GenAI and comparing with Paninian Grammar
Cracking the ABCD sequence
The TCP/IP Express of Sanskrit
Shakespearean Expressions & Indian Idioms
What's in a Bengali name?
Disassembling the Engineer
When languages play HideNSeek
On Intangibles, Poetry & AI.. A Muse
Learning a complex language.. Man vs MAchine.. A muse
Poetry on DNA, Protein, Life, Language & marvel architecture
At the Naming Party of the Voice Assistants - Alexas & Siris
At the naming party of the Math Family
What does the Dog Say? Binary sounds
Indian Food Names and some connections
Sanskrit & Independent adaptations in other languages
A 100 sanskrit words on Love
Sanskrit & the Literature from South
Vedic Etymology - A glance
Nobel Prize 2009 & Spectacular Etymology
Cellular Mission on the Moon.. Earthly 'terra' connections.
Data Science with Sanskrit
Data Science with Bhagawad Gita
Visualisations & Plots with Gita
Words in SundaraKandam
Words of Gitagovindam
Tagore's Dictionaryof Sanskrit words
Thesaurus of Kalidasa - A book review
Kalidasa & Other Works
Meghadootha - The Cloud Messenger
Jayadeva’s Gita Govinda
The mystical weave of Kabir
Tagore, Rabindro Sangeet & Bengali Bits
Decoding Jana-Gana-Mana
Sanskrit songs of inspiration
Bharat Ke Geeth-Patriotic songs from 80s
Keep your cup empty! A muse from Kalidasa's Malvika-Agnimitrau
Kavikula Kalidasa
Meghadoota and Saundarya Lahari parallels
Meghadoota & Sundarakandam parallels
Bartruhari liners
Manku Timanna Kagga (Kannada work): Gem of Gita like liners..
Sanskrit Essays on Famous Poets
Bartruhari & the Divine Fruit
Kalidasa' Story
BhamaTi prasthaanam.. Wife's devotion
MammaTa & SriHarsha
Kadambari.. Who shall complete it?
Sanskrit Grammar Musings
Verb sense in Shanti Mantras
Lot lakaar Illustrations
Vibhaktis in popular chants
Vibhaktis and Styles
Sailing the Pronouns of Sanskrit
Avyayas.. The Indeclinables!
Tadditas - Expanding the Noun Space
The Feminine Forces in Sanskrit..
Milling the Compound Words.. Samasta Padams
Halanta-shabda Vibhakthi forms - Gita
Gita Snippets & Grammar Musings
Indefinites - Some something & nothing
Passive Voice a Paradigm shift
Passive voice in Balakandam
krudanta004 - Movie Production Diction - LyuT/nvuL
krudanta002 - Curious adjectives.. Diversity in Linga & Roopam
krudanta001 - Churning lyudantaas
Case of Natvam.. Fluidity & Proximity
Grammar bits in Vishnu Sahasranamam
Where did the Visargas Go? Visarga Sandhi in Vishnu-Sahasranaamam
Design patterns & Vishnu Sahasranamas
Grammar patterns in Bhagawad Gita Ch 3
Grammar patterns in Bhajagovindam
Sandhi Intuition in Gita
Pronounciation & vaak shuddhi for chanting
Anvaya & Unpacking
Vedangas, building blocks, and the linguistic pipeline
Meter in Gita
Meters - Anustap and Tristup
Meters in Stotrams
VruttaRatnakara - Poetic language of chandas specification
Encoding the Language Rules.. Ode to Pāṇini
Cushioning the Seed - Dhatu Vikarana
Double Sounds in verbs
Panini's Kaaraka Prakarana.. A taste..
Churning infinite words of Sanskrit
Other Writings & Musings
Garjantam Garjayantam.. Roaring and making others roar
Dance of Expression.. Atman.. Layers behind speech..
Poetic encoding of Numbers
Proximity & Mirroring.. SAroopam SAyujyam
Stotrams & Astakams
Totastakam.. Liberate me O Master!
Jagannatha Astakam.. May he be my path!
Ranganatha Astakam.. May my mind revel in it!
Govindastakam.. Exquisite weave of Opposites
Filters, Data Structures & Shankara's Shatpadi
Illustrations in AtmaBodha
Shivananda Lahari
Ayi Giri Nandini!! Hail Mother..
Design Patterns & Vishnu Sahasranamam
Aditya Hridayam.. Simple Grammar Markers
Venkateshwara Suprabhatam
Shiva Tandava Stotram
Enchanting woods of Stotrams
Musical endings in Shankaracharya's compositions
Bhagawad Gita
Posts on Gita: NLP, word lists, meanings, inspirations
The Autumn song of Gita
Many names of Arjuna & Krishna
Storytelling the Gita for Kids
Nachiketa Dailogues.. Katopanishad
Graduation speech of vedic times.. Shikshavalli
Isha Upanishad.. Seeking abundance
Shri Suktam.. Invoking the inner wealth
Medha Suktam.. Seeking well meaning Knowledge
Durga Suktam.. Navigating difficult waters
A bride of Vedic times.. Her poetry on change..
Vaak Suktam & Language
Hiranyagarbha Suktam
Sundara khanda of Valmiki - Some observations
Words & Patterns in SundaraKandam
Balakandam Sarga 1
Valmiki's choice of Adjectives
Passive Voice in Balakandam
Hanuman's Eloquence
Opening & Closing verses of Mahabharata
Sampling Yaksha Prashna of Mahabharata
Bheeshma's words of stuthi
Narada's bhakti sutras
Carnatic Music
Decoding Compound Words in Kritis
Sita Kalyana Vaibhogame.. Decoding the Compound Words.. Part 1
Samaja Vara Gamana.. Grouping & Nesting.. Part 2
Omkara Nada.. Shankarabharanamu.. A Jewel of Music..
Nada tanum anisham.. Ode to the Sounds
Sarasa sama-dana-bheda-danda
Tyagaraja Telugu kritis
Kana Kana Ruchira
Saadinchene O Manasa
MarugElarA.. O Raghava!
Rama! Kodanda Rama!
Ni Daya Raada..
Chalamelara.. Saketa Rama..
Mandooka shabda.. A telugu kuchipudi ballet
Annamacharya Sankeertanaalu
Mullu Koneye Mele - A Purandara Dasa kannada Song
Guaging Kannada with Telugu
Maye tvam yahe - A dikshitar sanskrit kriti
Kids, Science Talk & Education
What's Trignometry.. An intuition
Calculus Explained
Prime Numbers
Physics of Poori
TechForKids - What's a Mobile?
Talking the Current Issues - Voltage, Current and Power
Holes of Rava Dosa
Fluid Dynamics of Coriander
Physics of Baking
What can India learn from US Primary Schools?
Orienting the Parent.. Montessori schooling
Stress free exams - PM's message
Math Musings
Quantum Computing & the Math Problems
AI/ML in the hood of mathematics
Ancient Indian obsession with Binary Systems
Shakuntala's Biopic
Bag of Tools - Words, Numbers & Tech
Magic of cube roots & trial to Ramanujam's number - A fiction story
360 Degrees 24 Hrs 60 Min
The magic of Binary Trains
Decoding Baudhayana Pythogoran
Magic Square in Poetry
Science, Nature, Sensing & Colors
Nature's array of sensing technologies
Mathematics of a Flower
Optical illusion -Is the shoe Pink or Blue?
Optical illusions & Negative Afterimage
The man who saw the elements - Dimitri Mendaleef
Unfolding Human Anatomy - Bodyworks Museum
At the party of Cooking - Ode to the water element
An evening at the the Stanford Astronomy Fair
Famous Quotes on Nature
Quotes of Physicists
Harmony in Colors
Spring, Violets & Chakras
Sounds, Colours & Wheels of Chakras
As Fourier unfolds.. A muse
Nobel Prize 2008 Physics & Spectacular Etymology
Quotes from Nobel Laurates
Human Attention Mechanisms & Truth Tables.. Nobel Prize Stories
Poem on DNA, Proteins, Life, Language & Sanskrit.. An architecture peek
Science & Technology
Physics of Decafe Coffee
BodyWorks.. Glimpses of Human Anatomy
The Man who saw the Elements - Mendeleev's periodic table
Invisible Ninjas dancing at the microwave
Storytelling the Current Issues - Of Voltage, Current and Power
Instapot Unplugged
Airfryer and Indian Cooking
Unboxing Portal of Facebook
In the era of podcasting
An Instagram story
Youtube & Beyond
'Mind at Play' -Shannon Claude & the Information Highway
Embracing 3As of Camera Technology
Yoga & Sensing
Samskrute Yogashala - Book Review
When Physics meets Yoga
Yoga & Breathing
Yoga for Respiratory wellness
Unfolding bliss with Yoga
Affirmations with Surya Namaskaras
Chakra Insights
Deep Sensing with Yoga
Inner journey with Yoga
SVYASA Yoga Instructor Course
SVYASA Arogyadama & PDC Review
Yoga teacher vocabulary
Asana Stories
Yoga affirmations & Shlokas
Yoga for Kids
Travel & Food
A Trip to Yellowstone National Park
Annadatha Sukhi Bhava
Gems in the kitchen
Covid Lockdown: Ode to the Food
The Quintessential Curdrice
Relocation to US & Kitchen Hacks
Avakaya Dandakam: Tribute to the mango pickle
Holes of Rava Dosa
Musings & Poetry
Diversity & Bias in Outlook
An oriental friend in the newlands
If my thoughts were a bunch of Roses - A woman's day thought..
"Dui Pakhi".. Tagore's Two Birds.. Two Sides of the Mind
"If" by Rudyard Kipling - Some notes with Gita
"The 3G Tale" - Poetic expansion of 3GPP Acronyms
Light of Deepawali
Light O Moonlight
Upanishad Ganga - Drama series on Timeless Knowledge
Human Evolution.. Case of Ramanujan
Gita, Food Cycle & Surrender
Unforgettable Veena Concert
An Engineer turned Home Maker
The helpless ducklings
Silver Jubilee Reunion
International women's day note
Montessori Orientation
Quotes of Rumi
Quotes of Physicists
Noble Laurates Quotes
The Seeker Radha within
Lotus & Poetry
Manasa Sancharare.. The pandemic cooking fever
Our Frequency Response & Impulse Filters
On Seeking & Deep Learning
Daughter's Farewell
The joy of writing
Posts with Pictures
IG: cookmythoughts
IG: thrumygaze
The Autumn song of Gita
Mathematics of a flower
Spring of Violets
Yellowstone National Park
Instagram Moment
Airfryer Experiments
Indian Foodnames & connections
Coriander Hrdraulics
Physics of cookies
Holes of Rava Dosa